What Is Static Pressure In HVAC Systems

Mar 23, 2022

Are you one of those who think status pressure is one of the most important things in HVAC, you are right!

People outside the industry aren’t familiar with it very well. However, they probably should be. Your heating and cooling systems are affected by static pressure. This can affect your comfort, your energy bills, and even the long-term health of the entire system.

If you are frustrated due to your HVAC system’s often-overlooked aspect Static pressure, then do not worry. We’ll explain what static pressure is, the signs of a problem, and what could be causing it.

What Is Static Pressure

In a heating and cooling system, static pressure refers to resistance to airflow in its components and ductwork. No airflow will circulate through the ducts unless airflow is greater than the resistance.

Or if we talk about the static pressure in HVAC:

  • A cooling or heating system is designed to move a certain amount of air. 
  • This component helps your system work efficiently and effectively.
  • There will be an ideal level of pressure. The components should be installed properly. 

It is important to consider these factors to make your home comfortable for a long time.

How Does Static Pressure Affect HVAC?

A straw with three holes blowing through its end will not allow any air to escape. The air goes straight down the middle, the path of least resistance. If you block one end with your finger and blow, air will escape from the side. You are experiencing static pressure.

The same principle applies to your ducts.

HVAC static pressure refers to the resistance to airflow in ductwork. A high amount of static pressure can be problematic. A low amount can result in other issues. An untreated static pressure problem can result in the premature failure of the system.

A simple way to visualize static pressure is to compare it to a hose when the water is unobstructed. Putting your thumb partially over the tip and changing the diameter increases the pressure, causing the water to speed up.

How Does Static Pressure Work

Static pressure refers to the pressure needed by a fan to push and pull air through the duct system. A “manometer” instrument measures pressure; ideally, the static pressure should be 0.82″. When your system’s static pressure is proper, all is good, but the problems start when it’s high.

How To Measure Static Pressure

The static pressure is measured by inserting two probes directly into your ductwork. It measures inches per water column (“in wc” related to pressure per square inch (PSI).

The ideal system runs at 0.5 inches per water column. The higher the number, the stronger the static pressure and the weaker your airflow.

What Causes High Or Low Static Pressure?

A static pressure problem can be caused by either one of two factors. The supply ductwork is insufficient, or the return ductwork is inadequate on the furnace side.

When static pressure is off, the furnace works harder, the blower motor works harder, and other parts can malfunction prematurely.

Improperly Sized HVAC Equipment

An improperly sized piece of equipment typically causes excessive or low pressure. Due to their high power, oversized furnaces can result in high static pressure inside the ductwork. When your furnace is undersized, it cannot move enough air through your system to keep you comfortable. The air coming out of your vents will not have much force.

Changes To The Home

You may want to build an addition to your home, which opens up a portion of the space. There may not be enough airflow (not enough air) to that new room due to insufficient airflow in that area. The air will also be reduced in other rooms by running an additional duct into that room.

Restrictive Air Filter

A restrictive filter usually causes not enough return air.

A dirty filter severely restricts airflow. One-inch filters that are supposed to be changed every 90 days should be changed every 30 days.

Poor Duct Design

Incorrectly sized ductwork is another problem. More static pressure can result if return airdrops are too small and if the furnace is oversized, low static pressure results.

Signs Of High HVAC Static Pressure Problems:

We are the HVAC experts who can resolve most of your problems. The indications that your HVAC system has high static pressure are:

Uneven Heat And Cool

Usually, we have hot and cold spots in your home when certain parts of the house aren’t as comfortable as you’d like.

This is usually caused by a lack of air circulation in one or more system parts. No air is flowing through the ductwork. Consequently, each room isn’t being treated properly.

High Energy Bills

If your utility bills suddenly rise, your HVAC system may be blamed. Regardless of what happens, your furnace or AC will try its best to circulate air throughout the house.

It will work harder to complete the task when it encounters resistance;

It takes more resources to make that extra effort. This increases your energy costs.

It doesn’t matter whether this is the cause of another problem. It needs to be addressed. 

Over time, your system will break down if you work it too hard.

Noisy System

Air rushing? Loud mechanical sounds? These are signs of a problem with your system.

Suppose the furnace or AC works harder when there’s more resistance. As a result, you may hear that happening.

Meanwhile, you may also hear the air getting drawn harder in and out of the vents. It’s because there’s a more substantial draw.

Problems Caused By Poor Static Pressure

  • Noisier operation
  • HVAC units run longer
  • Parts wear out quicker
  • Leakage in duct

Due to the motor working harder because of poor static pressure, a noisy blower might result.

It is possible to have hot and cold spots in your home if there is insufficient airflow. You will have to run your system longer if you do not have enough heat or cool blowing out the vents. It will be insufficient to provide adequate heating and cooling.

You’ll also have problems with air quality. The air is cooled by your air conditioner or heat pump, which removes humidity. Those house areas could be sticky on humid summer days if the air doesn’t reach certain rooms.

Those areas of the house could also not get the full benefit if you’re using an air conditioning product, such as a humidifier or dehumidifier. Certain rooms will always be too humid or too dry.

If there’s too much static pressure on the return side of the ducts, the blower will work harder and probably wear out sooner. If the system is heating and can’t dissipate that heat quickly enough, you’ll get other internal issues, such as premature cracks in your heat exchanger.

Tips To Maintain Static Pressure In HVAC While Designing Air Ducts

The best way to maintain optimal static pressure levels is to perform load calculations to determine the correct size system for your home and any modifications needed by your ductwork. I would highly recommend checking our HVAC cleaning services in St John’s instead of trying it yourself. This is a sensitive matter and we can help with that.

However, you may also consider:

  • Air pressure in the ducts should be reduced as much as possible. The horsepower required for the fan can also be reduced. 
  • Suppose there is a vibration at a regular pace that may cause any destruction, so the vibration and noise can be minimized. The noise and vibration disturb people also make them uncomfortable.
  • When designing the air duct layout, avoid abrupt changes in the duct. Make sure there are turning vanes to minimize pressure drop. 
  • When designing the air duct, the main emphasis should be on cost-effectiveness. You should minimize material and space usage whenever possible without affecting HVAC performance.
Why is static pressure important?

Maintaining the static pressure of heaters and air conditioners is crucial. Airflow resistance in ductwork or other components is defined as the resistance to airflow. If your HVAC system is experiencing high static pressure, it may indicate a problem

What is a good static pressure in HVAC?

In the duct system, static pressure is the amount of pressure needed for the fan to push and pull air. Ideally, a manometer measures static pressure at 0.82 inches, which a pressure gauge should achieve.

How do I reduce static pressure in my HVAC?

A dirty air filter or one with a high MERV rating can also cause high static pressure at the return air intake. Use cheap, low-MERV filters and change them monthly to prevent this problem.

Is static pressure the same as atmospheric pressure?

An atmosphere’s pressure combines its static pressure and its dynamic/velocity pressure caused by air movement. As a result, atmospheric pressure is the sum of static and dynamic pressure.

What is static pressure drop?

The resistance of air increases directly as the airflow increases. We call this phenomenon pressure loss. In a ventilation system, static pressure created by a fan creates resistance to air movement. A fan with a high ventilation resistance will have less airflow than one with a low ventilation resistance.


Maintaining a comfortable home throughout the year requires understanding static pressure and how it affects your HVAC system. Static pressure occurs when the air flowing through your ductwork accumulates in one spot, causing a decrease in airflow. 

This can lead to comfort problems and increased energy costs. By understanding static pressure and taking steps to prevent it from happening, you can keep your home comfortable for long without breaking the bank.